The Economy of Ismayilli
The Economy of Ismayilli
As the Soviet government was established in Azerbaijan in 1932 Ismayilly became as an independent region. The centre of the region first was Ismayilly village in 1959 became a settlement and then in 1967 it is formed as a city. Ismailly city is situated in Ganikhi-Alazan valley and it is in 500 m height. There are 111 villages in this territory. Mijan, Talistan and Julyan villages are connected to the city. Ismailly is a sloppy zone. It has 3 parts: 1) Mountains field
2) Slope fields
3) Plains
There are 20 rivers, 10 lakes and water reservations. The longest rivers are Goychay chay, Girdiman chay and Aqsu chay. These rivers fulfill their waters by rains and mountain waters. Ismailly is well endowed by nature, fruitful grounds and kind people. Ismailly has a very nice nature and that is why we have to take care of it. For that purpose there are some reservations at this territory. One of them is between Khanaya and Galacjiq villages. There are 134 kinds of plants there. They are oak-tree, lime-tree, pine-tree, marple- tree and so on .Almost all fruit-trees are grown here; apple-tree, pear-tree, plum-tree, peach-tree, apricot, chest-not, nut and so on.
İn order to use the local opportunities of our region at once, we must develop winemaking, fruit production, bee-keeping, vine-growing, carpet-making, silk-making and gathering herbs and at the same time professionalism. Our region has a rich environment. We must protect our environment. The main part of the economy of Ismayilli was vine-growing. During Soviet regime it was the most developed. But, after the 90th years these vineyards were destroyed. We must develop this side of our economy nowadays. There are many forests in Ismayilli. We must protect these forests. There is a brickyard in Ismayilli. Sheep-breeding and cattle breeding are developed in Ismayilli. There is also a butter-cheese factory and bread factories in our region. The villages of Ismayilli have some branches of industry for example: the carpet-making profession is developed in Lahic and the production of shawls made from silk is famous in Basqal. We can develop tourism and sanatoriums because our region has suitable nature and climate. We know that in the village Ivanovka we have collective economy too. We may develop this side and at the same time farmer-economy and free enterprises.
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